Development Log Postmortem


The primary success of this game was that the mechanics and game feel we were aiming for worked well and built well on iPhone. Most notably, we were able to give the game a quick and snappy feel that worked well on mobile devices. In addition, the combination of simple elements in our game makes the overall experience intuitive and enjoyable. Lastly, the level design of our game was something that worked well both for maintaining interest and ramping difficulty.


One of the challenges we faced in developing this game was in building for iOS. While we were able to build with relative ease we only had one team member who could build the game and fully test regularly. This was tricky but we were able to work around the issue using Unity Remote. In addition, there were a few challenges in maintaining the GitHub repository and fixing issues after merge conflicts. Overall we were able to get past most of the issues we faced during the development process.

What you learned:

During the development of this game, we all learned a lot about mobile game development in Unity and how to build for iOS. We also learned a lot about touch input and how to optimize level design, enemies, and obstacles for a smaller screen with swiping as the primary form of input. Furthermore, building for iOS was a new experience for all of us and we learned how to troubleshoot a couple of common issues. In addition, to learning about touch and mobile games we also learned more about GitHub and collaborative code management. We were able to deal with a couple of merge conflicts and coordinate code editing more carefully as we made progress on this project. 

Possible Future Revisions:

There are many possible future features that could be added in order to improve the overall gameplay. One expansion could be adding more levels since it would build out the game experience with the assets that have already been developed. Another possibility could be adding different types of obstacles and enemies in later levels which would expand the game and lead to a longer progression. Lastly, adding some type of power-up for speed, or killing enemies, or picking up coins could enhance the game. Power-ups would lead to different styles of gameplay making it more interesting and competitive.  In addition, there are a couple of bugs with the best time tracking that we were unable to fix that we would fix in future. Overall there are many possibilities for improvements that could add variety to the game and make it a better product.

Get Last Ball Standing

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