Development Log


The development process for this game began with working on potential ideas for a mobile game. The first choice we made was to make a 2D game with a player that bounced around avoiding obstacles and enemies. From this, we decided on a pool theme that we carried through in the art assets of the game and the sounds. Following the decision for our game idea, we moved on to developing the player movement, enemies, obstacles, platforms, and portals to move between levels. Once the general assets for the game were completed we moved on to designing and laying out levels for the game to create a complete game loop. We then moved on to playtesting and incorporating feedback into the game by modifying some levels and ramping the difficulty of the game more smoothly.


We did a series of playtests at different points throughout the development process which gave us important feedback that we incorporated into the game. One of the most important pieces of feedback we received was that some of the levels were too tricky. In order to combat this, a couple of the levels were redesigned to make the difficulty increase more smoothly across the game. We also received feedback on the difficulty of enemies so we worked to place them more carefully and make them slightly easier to push in order to kill. Overall the feedback we received through playtesting was very important to our development process in this game.

Get Last Ball Standing

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